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Breastfeeding Tips for Mommies


Breastfeeding is a skill that you and your baby learn together, and it can take time to get used to. These tips will help you get it right:


1. Get in a comfy position so you and your baby can both relax. You can lie on your side or sit up. Support yourself with a breastfeeding pillow.


2. Your baby’s ear, shoulder, and hip should always be in a straight line. Remember the mantras ‘tummy to mommy’ and ‘nose to nipple’.


3. When you are ready to start, brush your baby’s lips with your nipple. This encourages your baby’s mouth to open, allowing you to latch your baby on to your breast. If your baby’s not on right, unlatch them using your finger in their mouth to break the seal.


4. While breastfeeding, make sure you eat healthily, drink enough water and do not diet. After delivery, your body still needs a lot of energy (between 400-600 calories a day) to produce breast milk. You should also keep a bottle of water at hand, as breastfeeding is a thirsty work.


If you’re a working mom, we have you covered with few breast-pumping tips:


1. Many moms find that morning, around one hour after a feeding session, is the best time to pump. Your body should still have lots of milk left after the first feed of the day.


2. When the first breast slows, try switching to the other breast – switching back and forth will produce more milk than pumping for a set time on first one breast and then the other.


3. Freshly expressed breast milk should be stored in the refrigerator. Store it at the bottom in the back where it can stay for three to five days.


4. Breast milk can also be stored for up to two weeks in a freezer compartment, or for up to six months in a separate freezer. Frozen milk should be defrosted in the fridge, used within 10 hours and not re-frozen.


5. Breast pumps, feeding bottles, and storage equipment should always be sterilized before use.


So, moms-to-be have you got your feeding essentials covered? We have everything you need for a tension-free breastfeeding phase here.